Redundancy in the Workplace -and Moving On

Redundancy in the workplace happens often due to the company’s decision, and has nothing to do with your talents or skills. Here are tips on how to survive.

Redundancy in the workplace

Having your role declared redundant can be as traumatic as possible. Redundancy in the workplace can make an individual feel powerless and without value, however long they might have held the role. Losing a job this way can sometimes make someone feel embarrassed about their career development. Redundancy refers to when an employer decides to completely let go of a position in the company. This can be due to the fact that the company aims to downsize or reshuffle with a different business focus. 

Employees who often have their roles declared redundant usually take these events personally. It is easy to feel powerless and with no lack of control over our professional life. Here are tips to help you get through the shock and transition fast into competitive job search efforts, and how to stay afloat and focus your energy on positive steps;

1. Do Not Dwell on the Negative Period


Losing a job overnight is not something everyone can easily get over. It is tempting to keep talking about your bad luck once you get laid off. And that is okay. You can talk about it with your family and friends. However, you need to measure how much venting you do, because you might inadvertently drag them into your misery. 

As they say, misery loves company! It might be tempting to also get together with former colleagues who you were made redundant with. Avoid such gatherings unless you will be discussing job or business ideas as well as self-improvement projects.

2. Re-Package Yourself

This is the time to rebrand yourself for your next step in your career. You might have been securely working for a while without keeping up with the trends in your industry. This is the time to get updated on what you might have missed in order to be relevant for the next employer. Upskill, if you have to, and match your skills to as many roles as possible. It increases your chances of getting your next job. Make a list of all your skills, attributes, education, and training. See yourself as a skill set rather than a particular job role to ensure you survive in case of the next redundancy in the workplace situation. 

3. Get back on your feet

Brooding over a lost opportunity can drag an individual for days, especially if the job is all they had. Grieve and know when it is time to move on. Your career is not defined by one closed door. Plus the redundancy was an issue of the company not needing the role. They don’t take away your skills, just their job. Pick yourself up and move. 

Get into immediate action. Update your CV and begin scouring job boards for jobs that fit your profile. Involve your family, friends, and professional networks in your job search. They might come in really handy in connecting you with your next employer.


4. Organize your Finances

Redundancy in workplace situations can upset financial plans. Once it happens, you might want to cut back on unnecessary expenses and communicate with your debtors about your situation. Do not spend what you cannot replace, you have no idea how long you might stay out of work. Identify the resources you have available to you to enable you to move forward.


Redundancy is a tough process, both for the company and the employees affected. And while the process may be painful, train yourself to be professional and positive all through, you never know how the situation will work out in the near future. 

Maureen Daisy
Notification Bell