Make Your Job Applications More Meaningful

Introducing new cool features that will change your job application experience on BrighterMonday Uganda. Create or update your profile today.

We’ve been working on how to improve our jobseeker user experience across our platform and after major insights from our key stakeholders, we are happy to announce new cool features that will make your application process more meaningful and easier.

Let’s jump in with what’s new;

CV/Resume Update Prompts

We have added a cool new feature that will prompt you to update your CV every six months.

Why? Our data shows that updated CVs get more attention and our algorithm prioritizes such CVs when sorting through our database.

researching company

Role & Jobseeker Profiling

This feature will help give you know if the role you’ve applied for is the right fit.

This information will be analyzed and provided on your CV in our database and the job description of the posted job. That’s why it’s important to keep your CV updated.


Digital CV Preview

You can now view your digital CV on our platform the same way the potential employer would.

This allows you to make sure your CV is exactly what you want to use and make any improvements before submitting your application.

Next Steps for You;

Thanks to our internal research and data analysis from stakeholder feedback, we believe with these standout features, your user experience on our platform will improve greatly by providing more transparency & control over your job applications.

Give the new features a test run today and create or update your profile today here.

You should also keep on the lookout for more updates as we seek to improve our user experience and demystify the hurdles of online applications.

We appreciate your feedback at every step of our product development and improvement and we continue to urge you to send us any feedback you may have overlooked or missed in order to improve your experience.


Finally, we encourage you to try out these new features and enjoy your seamless application experience with BrighterMonday.

Please get in touch with us at or find us on social media for more information.

Arnold Akampulira
Notification Bell