Employee Well being Webinar Recap: BMU- FUE Joint Webinar

On Wednesday, Septem 21st , another Joint Webinar with the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE). Here are some key questions that were discussed:

Joint Webinar Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) on Employee Wellbeing

Topic: Employee Wellbeing, Recognition & Reward Programs That Work

On Wednesday, September 21st , another Joint Webinar on Employee Well being with the Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE). 

Guest speaker: Deborah A. Maitum (People & Culture Director – World Vision Uganda)

Here are some key questions that were discussed:

  1. What do you mean by employee wellbeing?

Employee wellbeing encompasses a number of things. It includes providing a safe and healthy work environment, as well as offering various benefits to employees.

It also means making sure that employees have the opportunity for growth and development in their careers and encouraging work-life balance. These are just some examples of how businesses can help ensure employee wellbeing. 

2. Why should employers prioritize employee wellbeing?

Employees are not just a cost for the company to bear, but rather a valuable and necessary asset that deserves to be treated as such.

Investing in employee wellbeing will help to create an environment where employees are more committed and happier at their jobs, which can lead to higher productivity.

Employees who feel appreciated by their company are also more likely to be engaged in their work, which is beneficial for both the employer and the individual employee.

3. How can business leaders design effective programs for wellbeing, recognition & rewards?

The webinar was aimed at business leaders and HR professionals who are looking to create effective programs for wellbeing, recognition & rewards for their employees.

The discussion focused on the benefits that these programs can have for both the employees and employers and how to go about designing an effective program.

4. What are some examples of employee wellness programs?

Employee wellness programs are an important way to help ensure that employees are productive, healthy and happy. There is a range of programs available for employers to consider implementing.

One example is the Balance at Work program which promotes mental wellbeing by providing training in how to manage stress, build resilience and increase self-care.

Another example is the Success@Work program which provides skills training in emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills and workplace competencies which improve employee productivity.

5. What employee wellbeing trends should business leaders keep an eye on?

The future is unpredictable and that is why it’s important to keep an eye on trends in employee wellbeing so as not to be blindsided by them. 

One trend business leaders should keep an eye on is the rise of non-traditional benefits such as health and wellness programs, recreational activities, and more.

Another is the increased focus on psychological well being with a heavy emphasis on mental health.

6. How can we reward employees without spending a lot?

A lot of companies give out rewards at the end of the year in an effort to recognize their employees. This can be expensive, but there are other ways to reward your workers without spending a lot.

World Vision Uganda‘s Deborah A. Maitum suggests rewarding employees with a sense of accomplishment by recognizing them for things they’ve done every day.

She also pointed out that rewarding everyone equally can help build morale and foster team spirit.

In Conclusion:

We want to thank those who attended the online webinar via Zoom. We hope you found this educational event recap helpful! If you missed the Live event or would like to watch or review it again, you can find the links to the materials below:

Link to the SLIDES: 👉 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tost9oAqht2ICQQ2Skne5yFzBDNtZ-OFT_0WrK26m2M/edit?usp=sharing

Link to the VIDEO here: 👉 https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/qyMEg-YuWsMd9-VW2w-JMNSClv4JVFoLPTnHgVxjgQKCT6-JCpi1LAOPNymCJEa3.qiK1i9VpS217YMhJ

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Employee Well being Webinar Recap: BMU- FUE Joint Webinar
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Emily Ndagire
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