BrighterMonday Launches the Employer Handbook Report

The Employer Handbook explores how to assess, develop and train new talent, with a focus on Assessing Candidates, Developing New Hires, and Training New Hires.

 The BrighterMonday Uganda & FUE Team launching the Employer Handbook_From L-R, Puis Ngoga, Beatrice Mujuni, Xenia Wachira, Ruth Atim & Henry Saaba

The Employer Handbook Report was launched in partnership with the Federation of Uganda Employers. The survey shows employers’ top concerns about hiring the appropriate people, which is the most crucial part of any organization.

The event was hosted at BrighterMonday Uganda’s offices, where 20 representatives from both organizations gave 5-minute presentations on their perspectives, current hot themes, and upcoming trends in the report.

According to the 2021 Employer Handbook research issued today by BrighterMonday Uganda and the Federation of Uganda Employers, 86% of employers felt talent assessments were very important to their talent acquisition strategy.

Psychometric Skills Tests, Personality Tests, and the BrighterMonday Uganda Skills Assessment Tool were the most popular instruments for assessing and evaluating candidates’ job-related skills. Employers can use these tools to make objective, data-driven judgments.

“The report addressed a wide range of corporate concerns related to talent assessment, acquisition, and training, but the most notable finding was employers’ overwhelming preference for talent assessment.” The Pius Ngoga

“This report highlights the key concerns of employers around the most important aspect of any business, getting the right people. Employers want to know that the person they are getting can do the work or adapt to their culture. That is why we also saw positive responses on the use of job simulations, structured interviews and more modern tools.”

We would like the general public to take advantage of the FUE Job Portal which enables Employers to publish job vacancies and sieve through applicant profiles to select suitable candidates for various positions whereas Job seekers have access to numerous opportunities to advance their professional careers.

Our portal can be accessed at”  

Beatrice Mujuni, the Policy Advocacy & Communications Officer at the Federation of Uganda Employers said.

The report is a product of the joint partnership between BrighterMonday Uganda & the Federation of Uganda Employers to research, collaborate and advance the transformative agenda to improve data driven insights for employers in Uganda.

More than 600 employers participated in the report survey in November last year ranging from CEOs (6%), Human Resource for Recruitment Managers (15%), Department Heads (16%) among others.

Majority of the employers had less than fifty employees (52%) while 30% had more than one-hundred employees. Half of them were based in Kampala with 4% in Entebbe & 3% in Jinja.

Banking, NGOs, manufacturing and education were among the most represented sectors in responses for the report.

Get yourself a copy of our Employer Handbook Report today 

<<Download Report>> 👉


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Emily Ndagire
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