What Is The ReadytoWork Program All about?

Barclays Bank Uganda recently launched the, “ReadytoWork” program which is a free online platform through which Secondary School/University/College students and graduates will have the opportunity of building the skills they need to make a smooth transition into the working world, and improve their employability or self-employability prospects.

Ready to work program

Find Out More About The ReadtoWork Program.

Barclays Bank Uganda recently launched the, “ReadytoWork” program which is a free online platform through which Secondary School/University/College students and graduates will have the opportunity of building the skills they need to make a smooth transition into the working world, and improve their employability or self-employability prospects. We got in touch with the Citizenship Manager, Marketing and Corporate Relations, Ms. Juliana K. Lugayizi to give us some more insight about this exciting program.

1)     Give us a brief description of the ReadytoWork program and how it works?

As young people set out to find employment or create self-employment they need skills that will help them to transition from the world of education into the world of work. ReadytoWork provides learning material that will help young people develop work skills, people skills, money skills and entrepreneurial skills. Young people can select their own learning pathway depending on individual needs and complete the learning online using computer, tablet or mobile platforms.

Facilitators can register to access learning material and resources required to support young people on their journey.

There are two ReadytoWork learning pathways young people can follow – one designed to help a young person prepare for employment and a second learner pathway focused on starting a business.

A young person can also choose to register for all four modules. For each module completed, a young person will receive a certificate of participation.

2)     What does Barclays Bank Uganda stand to achieve through this program?

Our Citizenship approach has evolved over a number of years shifting from a purely philanthropic agenda to a more sustainable approach that considers the broader impact we can have on society. As a financial institution, we know that finance and banking can play a critical role as a key enabler of social and economic progress, growth and development.

Barclays Bank Uganda has a Shared Growth approach that seeks to deliberately apply our substantial resources to unlocking societal solutions through innovative products, services and partnerships in order to address some of the biggest challenges facing our continent: unemployment, poverty, rising inequality and exclusion from access to education and financial services

ReadytoWork is one of the many initiatives that are helping to demonstrate our commitment to driving shared growth across the country. It creates the opportunity to support the next generation achieve their ambitions – leveraging our human, physical and financial capital to help young people gain skills and opportunities to prepare for work and / or create self-employment.

3)     What makes, “ReadytoWork different from other similar initiatives?”

There are a number of employability programmes that aim to support young people. However, we feel the ReadytoWork is unique in its offering for four reasons;

  •         It is focused on the critical transition from education into the world of work
  •         It is focused on helping any young person who has the aptitude and ambition to succeed
  •         it is not defined by income brackets or demographics
  •         It recognises that Barclays Bank Uganda cannot do this alone – we aim to provide the enabling platform and the need for us to work with others who can help power ReadytoWork across the country.

4)     Who is this program targeted for and why?

The primary focus for ReadytoWork is to support young people aged 16-35 who have the aptitude, attitude and ambition to achieve beyond the opportunities they have been given. The initiative aims to provide them with pathways that better develop their employability or self- employment prospects.

We do however recognise that young people leave the education system at various different ages and stages of learning. ReadytoWork interventions and support are therefore tailored to support individuals across three critical transitions from education into work, namely:

  • Top Tier 1: Post Graduate Youth who have completed University level education
  • Middle Tier 2: Post College Youth who have a tertiary education at college level
  • Base Tier 3: Post High School Youth who have completed secondary / high school

However, any person of any age can access the online learning curriculum and download materials to help them develop their skills.

5)     What skills does the program offer?

ReadytoWork offers practical skills: like work skills, people skills, money skills and entrepreneurial skills.

The course helps youth discover everything they need to know, from preparing for the world of work and nailing an interview, to working their way up and into the corner office; from impressing colleagues and customers and, managing their hard-earned cash to discovering the entrepreneur in them.

6)     Is the ReadytoWork skills curriculum accredited?

We recognise that accredited training is important for young people to demonstrate the value and credibility of the ReadytoWork training they have received. The ReadytoWork curriculum is currently in the process of being accredited through the South Africa Qualifications Authority (SAQA). The SAQA accreditation is recognised in all of our 10 Africa markets.

7)     How long will it take for one to complete this course?

The ReadytoWork curriculum offers a blended learning solution and mainly self-taught, the pace of completion is determined by the learner. There is, however, an ‘estimated time’ noted in each learning topic indicating how long each should take to complete – there are currently 13 learning topics. This will help learners manage their time effectively as they work through the curriculum.

Further, the online platform allows learners to save their sessions as they move through the curriculum. The online learning system tracks their rate of completion.

8)     How long will the program be available?

ReadytoWork is one of Barclays Africa’s flagship initiatives within the Education and Skills pillar of the Shared Growth Strategy,   and will be available on an ongoing manner in order to help young people continue to prepare for the world of work and achieve their ambitions.

9)     How can one get access to this program?

To get access to the ReadytoWork curriculum please visit www.readytowork.barclays.

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