6 Habits That Could Increase Your Chances of Getting the Job

Getting a job is one of the hardest things to do in this world. However, if you are well prepared and have the necessary skills required for the position….

career advice, career development, job search, job search tips, career advice for women, employer advice, 6 habits, career success

Getting a job is one of the hardest things to do in this world. However, if you are well prepared and have the necessary skills required for the position, then you will definitely get it. Here are some habits that could increase your chances of getting the job:

#1. Be well informed about the job you are applying for.

Don’t just go through the motions, you should be well informed about the job you are applying for.

Know what you’re talking about, what the company does, how long it’s been in business and how long it has been in this industry if applicable.

Plus the kind of work style they like to promote within their brand.

Is this a laid back company or do they like people who are driven? Do they want everyone on board to be doing their own thing or do all employees need to be team players?

Does this company have a sense of humor or does it take itself too seriously? You get the idea…

#2. Send a customized cover letter.

You should always customize your cover letter to the job. If you’re applying for a research position at a university, don’t bother mentioning that you’re great at marketing or sales — it won’t help your case.

Try highlighting one or two relevant skills from the job description, and explain why you think those skills are perfect for this particular job.

Mentioning an accomplishment is also a good idea: if you have completed a project related to the field of work, include it in your cover letter! You could even go as far as highlighting any awards that prove how awesome you are.

#3. Be critical when writing your CV.

It’s always worth taking the time to check your CV over, because the small details matter. Here are some tips on what to look out for:

  • Make sure it is clear and concise. You want to make sure that any potential employer gets the information they need quickly and easily. Use bullet points if necessary so that you can highlight some of your most important achievements, but don’t forget about making sure your CV actually reads well.
  • Make sure it is relevant to the job you are applying for, or even just relevant in general! If you have been applying for a job within a marketing company, then make sure that all of your experience is related somehow (even if it isn’t directly).
  • Grammatical errors can really hurt an otherwise strong application – so be careful! The last thing you want is for someone who has been reading through hundreds of CVs over several days coming across something as simple as spelling mistake which immediately jumps off the page at them and makes them think less of you as a person and more about how unprofessional people who spell “their” like “there” must be. Trust me on this one!

#4. Be well prepared.

The interview is a two-way street and both parties are there to make sure the other is a good fit.

You want them to know that you’re on top of your game, and they want to see how well you can sell yourself—whether it’s a great cover letter or a perfectly executed handshake.

The better prepared you are for an interview, the more likely you are to get one of those coveted job offers.

#5. Do not fake your qualifications.

Lying is bad. If there are any areas where you think that your experience falls short of what is needed for this position—and not just “this position,” but any position—then address those areas head-on in either an interview or cover letter so as not to waste anyone’s time by pretending otherwise.

If something needs improving upon or changing up before applying for jobs (for example: no experience working with children), then take steps toward getting that experience before submitting applications!

The best way around fake references is by using real ones!

#6. Have a good network of friends, relatives or associates who can help you to get a job.

Having a good network of friends, relatives or associates who can help you to get a job is a great way to get the job quickly.

Your network will be able to introduce you to someone who might need your services and when an opportunity arises, it will be easy for them to find out about you.

You don’t have to go through any interview process before getting hired because your friend has already told his buddy about your skills and abilities, so there is no need for further interaction with him.


We hope that after reading this article, you will have more confidence when applying for a job. After all, the most important thing is not just knowing the right things to do but also doing them well! Good luck!

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Emily Ndagire
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