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It’s upon this background that NARO, in partnership with the ISS Activity is soliciting for services of experienced INDIVIDUALS to build capacity of NARO's Communication Officers in professional documentary production and at the same time produce a 360-degree video documentary to showcase NARO’s rich history, diverse thematic areas, groundbreaking research and impact.

Job Description/Requirements


The USAID-funded Feed the Future Uganda Institutional and Systems Strengthening (ISS) Activity, implemented by DT Global, aims to mitigate institutional governance, management, and market systems constraints to improve how system actors work together to achieve agriculture-led economic growth. The Activity’s overarching goals are increased responsiveness and accountability of Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and national-level Industry Apex Organizations (IAOs) to their members, constituents, and the public, and a more conducive environment for agriculture sector market actors to productively engage and coordinate. Employing most Uganda’s population, the agriculture sector is a key engine for sustainable and inclusive growth. Factors constraining agricultural institutions include weak internal systems and insecure relationships with other market actors. The Activity therefore works with Government of Uganda (GoU), MDAs and private-sector IAOs to facilitate system improvements to catalyze economic growth. Among the partner MDAs is the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO). 

With support from the Government of Uganda and through strategic partnerships with government agencies, international research organizations, development partners, and the private sector, NARO has been able to churn out TIMPs with a wide scope of impact and reach.

Despite these achievements, there is an increasing need to enhance public awareness and stakeholder engagement regarding NARO’s work. Building the capacity of NARO's Communication Officers in documentary production is essential to sustain the organization’s visibility and effectively communicate research products, and institutional impact to stakeholders, today and in the future. Additionally, a 360-degree video documentary offers an innovative, immersive way to showcase NARO’s rich history, diverse thematic areas, groundbreaking research, and commitment to capacity building.

It’s upon this background that NARO, in partnership with the ISS Activity is soliciting for services of experienced INDIVIDUALS to build capacity of NARO's Communication Officers in professional documentary production and at the same time produce a 360-degree video documentary to showcase NARO’s rich history, diverse thematic areas, groundbreaking research and impact.

Specific objectives to this assignment will include

  • To capture NARO’s journey since its inception, highlighting key milestones and achievements.
  • To present an overview of NARO’s research focus areas: crops, livestock, fisheries, and forestry.
  • To enhance the skills of NARO’s Communication Officers in documentary production for sustainability and future projects.

Competent individual Applicants can access the detailed Job description document using the link - https://shorturl.at/HJG4V. Copy the link and paste it in your browser:

Proposals should be sent by e-mail to ugandainfo@dt-global.com not later than 17:00hrs EAT on January 22, 2025. Costs incurred by Offerors in preparing and submitting the proposals will not be reimbursed.

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